Search results: Lara

[ 7 items ]
  • Clara Montes. A manos llenas 17.93€ #50112UN594 Ref.: 50112UN594

    Clara Montes. A manos llenas

    "A Manos llenas" the big return of Clara Montes, with shades of flamenco copla: a tribute to Rafael de León including some unpublished songs of the poet. You will find some of his collaborations with Pepe Habichuela, Juan Carmona and Jose Miguel Carmona. You'll find coplas as "Y sin embrago te quiero'', ''Pena penita pena'', ''Te quiero, te quiero'' and many more...

    Price: 17.93 € (19.42 USD)
  • Por Camaron 18.93€ #50112UN67 Ref.: 50112UN67

    Por Camaron

    Por Camaron - Tribute album.Commemorating the tenth anniversary of his death and under the title 'Por Camarón', the following artists participate in a tribute album to Camarón: Estopa, Niña Pastori, Rosario, Remedios Amaya, José el Francés, La Susi, Raimundo Amador, Diego Carrasco, Marina Heredia, José Lara, Kepa Junkera and Chonchi Heredia.His children Gema, Rocío and Luis Monge joined...

    Price: 18.93 € (20.50 USD)
  • digitano 15.95€ #50113CM201 Ref.: 50113CM201


    Digital music at the service of Flamenco. Digitano is the last digital frontier of electronic rhythms serving, what is probably, the most beautiful music in the world, Flamenco. Digitano is a joyful and unedited musical territory, which is the brain-child of DJ Juanjo Valmorisco in his gypsy room packed with computers, digital technology and the best artists: Flamencos, Payos, Gypsies and...

    Price: 15.95 € (17.27 USD)
  • La Guitarra Española 0.00€ #50113FS261 Ref.: 50113FS261

    La Guitarra Española

    La Guitarra Española released under Fonografica del Sur is a compilation album with excellent songs such as: Angelitos negros, Guantanamera, Agua dulce, agua salá, Solamente una vez and Moliendo café. It is an enjoyable listen.

    Price: 0.00 € (0.00 USD)
  • Sabor flamenco 23.10€ #50511BMG141 Ref.: 50511BMG141

    Sabor flamenco

    Besides being an anthological collection, "Sabor Flamenco" serves as a platform for new characteristics of the genre. In this case it is shown as a forward of the first recording by Marina Heredia, a young cantaora from Granada. 'Sabor Flamenco' has the 21 artists involved in the album of the same title, although some may not sing solares, tangos, or bulerías. For example there is Joaquín...

    Price: 23.10 € (25.01 USD)
  • Con poderio (nuestro mejor flamenco) 0.00€ #50515EMI115 Ref.: 50515EMI115

    Con poderio (nuestro mejor flamenco)

    A grouping of flamencos from the past and the present, along with a handful of songs that make history, and an overview of the young and daring flamenco, the one for rumbas, the one for the streets. On the flip-side a museum of vintage art, it was pure; the one from before, full of tints and shades. With this 2 disc album one can enjoy a wonderful journey through all of Spain's flamenco from...

    Price: 0.00 € (0.00 USD)
  • Uniendo puertos - Clara Montes 12.55€ #50112UN399 Ref.: 50112UN399

    Uniendo puertos - Clara Montes

    From the dream of a journey in the oldest sea, this record, Uniendo Puertos (Linking Ports), is born. It is a work that meanders from Portuguese fado to Italian music, passing through the Andalusian rumba to Arabic sounds, providing all of its songs with a Mediterranean flavour. With the Portuguese and flamenco guitar, Arabic percussion and the cajon (Peruvian box-drum), the Egyptian udu and the...

    Price: 12.55 € (13.59 USD)
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